關於極限 About XRA

極限國際工程有限公司【X-Rope Access Services Co., Ltd.】自2010年成立以來,一直在高空工業繩索技術作業【Rope Access Works】的領域中穩定發展,項目包含了工業繩索技術工程服務、工業繩索技術培訓及高空作業安全裝備諮詢經銷。
X-Rope Access Services Co., Ltd. (XRA) has been established in 2010 and has been growing steadily in the industrial rope access industry. We provide industrial rope access services, industrial rope access training, consultancy and sales of rope access safety equipment.
X-Rope Access Services Co., Ltd. (XRA) has been established in 2010 and has been growing steadily in the industrial rope access industry. We provide industrial rope access services, industrial rope access training, consultancy and sales of rope access safety equipment.
- 引進更具成本效益與安全性的高空繩索技術作業方式 。
- 致力於推廣與維持工業繩索技術的高標準、安全性。
- 致力於保護從事繩索作業的技術人員。
Our mission
- To introduce cost effective and safe industrial rope access techniques.
- Dedicated to promoting and maintaining high standards of safety and quality in industrial rope access.
- Dedicated to the protection of rope access technicians.
Our Commitment
X-Rope Access Services Co., Ltd. (XRA) is committed to providing clients with professional services to ensure the quality and safety of the project with the highest benefit, reducing losses due to equipment failure. Therefore, all XRA technicians are IRATA trained with highly skilled (electrical, masonry, advertising installation and non-destructive testing, etc.), each staff is committed to work safety, improve the efficiency and quality of the project.
誠信 我們認真作出承諾,並努力達到超出客戶所預期的
態度 我們始終堅持做對的事,成現出專業、主動、積極和耐心
尊重 我們始終尊重地對待客戶,員工,供應商,競爭對手和我們的環境
創新 我們正在不斷的學習新事務,並努力創新
環保 我們盡量減少工程上所產生的汙染
態度 我們始終堅持做對的事,成現出專業、主動、積極和耐心
尊重 我們始終尊重地對待客戶,員工,供應商,競爭對手和我們的環境
創新 我們正在不斷的學習新事務,並努力創新
環保 我們盡量減少工程上所產生的汙染
Honesty | We make commitment earnestly and strive to exceed clients' expectations. |
Attitude | We insist to do the right thing with professional, proactiveness, positivity and patience. |
Respect | We always treat our clients, employees, suppliers, competitors and our environment with respect. |
Innovation | We are constantly learning new things and strive to innovation. |
Eco-friendly | We try hard to minimize the pollution caused by the project. |
To become the nation's leading industrial rope access company and training organisation.
To become the nation's leading industrial rope access company and training organisation.
極限國際工程 繩索教育訓練中心 XRA Training Center
工業繩索教育訓練中心 認證單位

極限國際工程有限公司 積極導入行政院勞動部勞動力發展屬人才發展品質管理系統(Talent Quality-management System,簡稱TTQS),
XRA極限國際工程有限公司 繩索教育訓練中心 通過TTQS「訓練機構版」的評鑑!

國際繩索技術人員證照 Our Technician's IRATA Certification

專業技能證照 Professional Certification

離岸風力發電機組運維 專業人員證照
GWO Working at Heights

GWO First Aid

GWO Manual Handling

GWO Sea Survival